Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tu B'Shvat/ "Meet the Masters" - George Seurat - Pointillism/ Letter "Mem" / Parshat "Yitro"/ Letter "O"

Another amazing week went by! Getting ready for Tu B'shvat was so much fun! We learned how a tree is born (From a little seed) and how to help it  grow (Sun light and water).
We even took a mini trip, to meet Mr. tree!!!! Mr. tree is a giant Tree outside our school !

from a little seed to a tree steps.

 Visiting Mr Tree

Learning about the parts of a tree.

We tried to push the tree down...

 No matter how hard we tried the tree would go down!!!!
 We found out why!!! strong roots are holding it up!

finding the roots.

found one!

feeling the bark

we got a few pieces

to make our own trees inside the class!!!

 We made brown and green play dough  to form play dough trees!

 We traced water to the little seed!

 Play Dough tree

 Decorating the "Shivat Haminim" (7 species of Israel)

We made beautiful flowers out of construction paper!

 at the good morning circle we got to act out being the soil , the little seed , the water and the sun!

practicing planting!
 We made edible trees! cake was the dirt, pretzels the tree trunk and dry fruit the leaves.
making the "Dirt"

final product!!! hope you enjoyed it!
 The best way to celebrate TU B'Shvat was being part of an awesome program, where we got to plant "Parsley" for Pesach and eat ice cream with topings from the 7 fruits of israel!

Meet the Masters "George Seurat"- "Pointillist method"

It was fascinating to learn about George Seurat special method of painting, and we tried it ourselves by decorating flower pots , and making fruit canvases which will be presented to you this coming Wednesday in our classroom!
shia using pointillism!

dot dot dot just like George Seurat

using pointillism to create a tree

Letter "Mem"
this week was very special for "Moshe", "Michael" and "Morah Mathy"!!! 
Mem also says "Matza" and "Mezuza"

"Mem" Yoga

Mohe and Michael show how its done!

 Letter Mem Says....

 We made sure to kiss the "Mezuza"when we left the classroom!

 the next day at the good morning circle we introduced our friends while they made a "Mem" shape followed by a somersault!

 Morah Showed us a "Mezuza" and we learned how holy and special they are , they need to be kept in special cases to be protected from the rain, sun, dirt etc!

We recycled dry markers and turned them into stunning "Mezuza cases"

Parshat "Yitro"

In Parshat Yitro we learned how the Jews listened to the "Aseret Hadibrot" (ten Commandments) and got the Torah from Hashem. We also Learned about Har Sinai being chosen for that important task!

the Luchot!

 We decorated and "Har Sinai " with the "Luchot" on top

 We went to "Shul" to see the special place where the Torah is being kept, and got to Daven in this special place!

Morah Chanie shows us the special Parochet.

 Davening in action!!!


This week Morah introduced us to letter "O".
"O" says "Owl "
We turned big "O" into owls by adding feathers!

We also made our own "O" "Owls" 

and made yummy "Oatmeal" in honor of this letter. It was sooooo good we all got seconds!

For math we each  made our own "Octopus" and made sure to count the legs!
Daniel cuts on a straight line!

check out my cool "Octopus"


  1. Awesome projects! Great work morahs!

  2. Just saw these now but still beautiful! Looks like they are having a blast!
