Sunday, September 28, 2014

A little more of Rosh Hashana!

This is how we finished getting ready for "Rosh Hashana"...
Happy Birthday World!

pomegranate seed popping!

we got to taste them as well! thats an awesome way to do projects!

yoga with Morah Chanie.

Baking in action!

Honey mini cakes on the way!

picking Pomegranates and apples with tweezers 

Rosh Hashana Matching game!

The Rosh Hashana Challah is round and Round!

yummy lunch!

its raining? no problem!

turn up the music and let's dance!

bean bag challenge!

Mr Bee keeper explaining his job!

so interesting...

ready to get honey

We got to touch and feel the equipment

thank you bees for working so hard to give us honey!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rosh Hashana Part 2 / Parsha- Bereshit / A,B,C's - Letter "B" / Math- Numbers 1 - 5.and

Rosh Hashana is getting closer and closer, and we've been busy getting ready ! This is how...
Busy Bumble Bee came to greet us every morning!!

Buzzzzzz Temima!

We need to make sure We do lots of Mitzvot ...

so they can be the heaviest on Hashem's "Judging scale"...

We came up with great ideas for Mitzvot

and we cheered when the Mitzvot side was the heaviest!!

We loved thinking of new mitzvot and see the scale changing positions... 

Toby brought a very interesting article about Bees and Bee Keepers!

the discovery happened while he was reading the morning paper:)

After learning about scales we decided to experiment a little further ...

and weigh ourselves....

it was very interesting to find out who was the heaviest and who the lightest.

We decorated the cover of our little "Machzors" with fancy jewels...


im going to say "Tashlich"...

We even got to fish at our Tashlich Pond!

hanging out with our friends!

Toby got even busier He went to the farmers market and got some honey to show us!

with patience everyone got to see the honey with a honey comb inside!

Morah Lily came to sing and dance Rosh Hashan Songs with us!

setting up the Rosh Hashana Table!

We made dough like play dough and practiced making round Challah for Rosh Hashana!

Shia made a Shofar without a tracing sheet! 

Check out Michael's round Challah!

We made a short field trip to the mail box to mail our Shana Tova cards...

Don't forget to check your mail boxes.

cutting the Rimon... Whats inside???

open ended Tashlich Collage.

Morah Chanie taught us about five little bees...

We couldn't wait for Morah to tell us more about Hashem creating our world! We loved learning and singing about Hashem's creatures... And our awesome creation project is all ready to go home and decorate our room!

After Morah taught us how Hashem created the crawling creatures we got to play with some fake snakes, spiders and more!

We watched a puppet show about Adam and Chava.

hard at work! 

Birds and fish for day 5

Morah taught us a song about fish for day number 5

we loved looking about all the different kind of fish.
This week we were introduced to letter "B". Letter "B" says "Butterfly" and "Bees".
For letter be we counted "Balloons"

We are getting really good at counting and recognizing numbers 1 - 5

we cut out and glued the numbers in order

Letter "B" says "Brownies".

checking eggs!

mix, mix, mix! It smells delicious!

We made super cool "Bees" special to store Rosh Hashana Honey!