Thursday, February 12, 2015

Meet the masters "Georges Seurat"/ Letter "Nun"/ Parshat "Mishpatim"-"Kosher"/ Letter "P" - Grand Popcorn Pajama Party!!

Another fabulous week went by!
After learning and exploring Georges seurat method of painting "Pointillism" , we got to show you our creations and hang out with you in the class! Thank you so much for coming!
We dipped the ink of dried markers in water giving them new life !

we used them to create pictures using pointillism!

 We mixed paint and corn starched and made some really cool art!

 Meet The Masters !
 Our incredible art!

 Check out our amazing paintings!!!!

 Edible art!

This week we introduced Letter "Nun". Letter "Nun" says "Numbers", "Neshama" and "Nemo"
We were fascinated to hear how Hashem gives us a piece of himself to us before we are born, and how is up to us to connect our Neshama to Hashem through Mitzvot. The entire week we came up with great ideas to do so!

Nun shaped children :)

Perfect "Nun"

Yisroel demonstrates the Nun Song to the rest of the class!
 For our good morning circle we chose our favorite exercises to do on the "Nun"
Jumping on a giant "Nun"

walking - balancing

 letter "Nun" helped us with our "Numbers". Reading  the book "My Jewish Numbers" was a great way to review our numbers and practice counting!

 Uno cards came very handy to play a Number recognition game!

 We played different number games !
Matching the number with the right amount of dots!

Hanging socks with numbers in the right order

Number matching game!

what come after??

 We love reading "The Aleph -Bet trim on the Aleph Bet ship" !
Parshat "Mishpatim"
This week we focused on the Mitzvah of "Kosher". We especially learned about separating meat and dairy. We played a super cool bingo with different foods and made awesome double sided mats for meat and dairy!

 placing meat and dairy foods in the right color and side!

  We cant wait to put our place mats to use!

Kosher Bingo

 Yoga with Morah Chanie

Drum Circle
So much fun!

 Purim is in the air!!!

Letter "P" was such a cool letter!!!
We glued "Pom-poms" on a "Panda" "P"

We put together the cutest "Penguin puppets" to play with!

The highlight of the week was definitely the grand "Pajama Popcorn Party". Coming in our PJ's to school was a dream come true!!!!
Watching the popcorn pop!!!

almost ready to be eaten!

we can hear "pop" "pop" Pop

Popcorn reading time!
 Best slumber party EVER!!!!

ahhhhh this is the life!

so comfy!

 To make it even better we had a small "Picnic" outside in honor of this letter!

Popcorn story time!

Check out my Penguin!

getting it done!!!


  1. Looks like another fun week!!! :)
    Loved the art work and Temima did an amazing presentation!

  2. SO much going on! All creative and fun. Loved the budding artists day! And pajama party rocks.
