Thursday, February 19, 2015

Purim- Part 1/ Letter "Samech"/ Parshat "Teruma" / Letters "Q" and "R".

Purim is near and in the Nursery Three Class we want to be fully prepared!!
we even turned our classroom into the Shushan palace!!!
building palaces with colorful blocks

how cool??

shushan palace puzzle

We started decorating our own purim characters puppets! 

We used feathers and gems!

Listening to the Purim Story had us in the tip of our seats!!!

 Morning Purim trays!

beautiful queen Esther!

Acting the Purim story.
 "Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Besimcha" and the month of Adar started with lots of dancing!!!

Aleph Bet

"Letter Samech"

Letter "Samech" says "Sophia", color "Silver" and "Sofer"

Letter "Samech"

Now with our whole body

Moshe turning into a "Samech"
 Shalom "Samech!!

Check out our cutting skills!!!

We practice being "Sofers" by writing "Aleph Bet letters" on a paper with the tip of a feather and black ink!


Parshat "Teruma"

Learning about the "Mishkan" was fascinating! especially when we heard how women donated their own Jewelry to make the beautiful golden Menorah and the "Aron".

everyone pretended to donate their own Jewelry in our class

We cut out the different "Kelim" of the "Mishkan" and glued them in the right places


Morah Lily Purim Fun

Letters "Q" and "R"

we decorated a giant "Q" with Q-tips !

We put together a gorgeous "Quilt" which is being displayed in our classroom!

meticulous work

Ta-da! the final product! How stunning????

We decorated letter "R" with "Rose petals"

And colored a "Rainbow" following the right order of colors!

We worked so hard to color between the lines!

Happy Birthday Ethan!

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