Thursday, November 27, 2014

Fall is here / Parshat "Vayetze"/ Thanksgiving

Hey everyone! It was a short week but never the less fun packed!
Autumn/Fall is here!

Morah brought a big fan to imitate the Autumn wind!

It was so fun to catch the red, orenge and yellow leaves.

Autumn is here!!!!

The Autumn leaves are falling down...

Let's take a rake and start to sweep...!

Let's make a pile and jump on top....

We created a fall picture by putting leaves under a white paper...

and rubbing with fall/autumn color crayons on top!

TA-DA! the leaved were imprinted on the paper!

exploring th Autumn bucket!

Here comes the wind!!!

We love fall!

leaves rain!

Elisha explores fall season produce!

good morning circle!

We pretended to be leaves flying away because of the fall wind

There is a leaf inside our class...

 We went on a Autumn walk and collected autumn leaves for a special collage.

yossi hard at work

we glued them onto a paper creating a stunning collage!

Parshat Vayetze

Yaacov grated us Monday morning

Yaacov's dream

We love Parsha

We recreated Yaacov's dream on a paper!

Thank you Shia for sharing your colorful popsicle sticks with your friends.

We got ready for this special day by discussing what Thankful  means and what we are thankful for.
this year we focused on being thankful for our friends. Each child drew a paper from a bag and had to write and make a picture of why that friend is special to him.
We hope you enjoyed it over thaksgiving.
We learned all about Turkeys and morah even showed us some clips of Turkeys .
after we were ready to make our own "Turkey Masks"

The ultimate preparation for Thanksgiving was the fancy Feast we had together with the Pre-k classes.
We were en charged of the center pieces- pine cones turned into cute turkeys!

Rosh Chodesh Program
On Monday we enjoyed another awesome Rosh Chodesh Program, in which in honor of Chanukah we created delicious edible Menorahs!
Singing chanukah songs set the tune for whats to come!!!

Literacy Month
As our Literacy Month come to an end we are proud of the books The Nursery three class published!
We hope you enjoyed them!