Thursday, October 30, 2014

Parshat "Lech- Lecha" / Letters "Bet" and "Vet" / Letter "D"/ Math - "Density".

Letters "Bet" and "Vet"

Hello everyone! this week really flew by! We started the week welcoming two sisters letters!
"Bet" and "Vet".
Letter "Bet" introduced us to a very funny character! "Baila the Blue Balloon"  

Letter "Bet" brought a new friend to our class!

Hello "Baila Blue Ballon"

we all got to make our own "Baila balloon"

check mine out!

mean while at the carpet architects Reut and Eitan were very busy!


Baila came out Tuesday morning to greet all of us!

We were introduced to "Bet" sister Letter "Vet"

We carefully traced both letters...

We played a very tricky game in which we had to pick up the right letter...

We did really well.

Baila the Blue Ballon's favorite thing is to Blow Bubbles!!!!!

We decorated a giant "Bet" by blowing blue bubbles onto the paper and when they landed made a beautiful Blue splash mark on the "Bet".

Some of the bubbles went really  high before they were ready to land!

an Aleph Bet raisin game made learning the letters delicious!

so much fun!
In Honor of letter "Bet" we had a relly fun "Bubble Party" in which we got to show our dance moves surrounded by bubbles!!

Fun Party!!!

How high should i jump to pop that bubble??

Parshat "Lech- Lecha"

Parsha this week was very special! We were introduced to the very first "Jew" "Avram". We were amazed that Avram was our age when He discovered Hashem and were very impressed about how brave He was standing for his believes! and got rewarded big time! Hashem protected him from great danger! even fire!
Avram Brakes the idols....
 When Hashem told Avram "Lech- Lecha" He didn't waste any time and off  He went where Hashem told Him. We discussed transportation in the times of Avram compared to our times.We all got to share our experiences traveling and spoke about the special "Davening" we say when we take long trips like Avram. "Tefilat Haderech"

We decorated cars for "Tefilat Haderech" by dipping toy cars in paint ...

and rolling them on the papers!

they made really cool prints!

Hashem told Avram not to worry, He will have as many descendants as the the stars and the sun! We are so proud to be one of them!!!

We decorated big stars with shiny star stickers and sand!

peeling the stickers took some work!! 

it was worth the effort!

Letter "D".

Letter "D" says "Dolphin". it was really fun to decorate a "D" with colorful "Dots". The A,B,C pages that are not making it home is because we are placing them in special A,B,C binders for us to keep and always remember!

dot, dot, dot!!!!

 We turned big "Ds" into cute "Dalmatian Dogs"

Making "Donkeys" for letter "D" was really cool!. First we painted papers with grey paint . when it dried we cut out the pieces and put the funny "Donkey masks" together.


Letter "D" says "Density". We experimented together, which objects sink and which float by putting different toys in a bucket full of water. We recorded the results on a chart.
Moishy's turn.

Morah chaya'le in action!

Morah Lily Came to dance with us this week!!!

Happy Birthday Yaeli

May your family have lots of Nachat from you! we love you!
Many more birthdays are coming up!!!! Our yeladim are getting really big!