Thursday, May 14, 2015

Letter Tav - Shavuot - Parshat Bahar - A,B,C review - Math - shapes

Hashem gave us a present, do you know what it was?

Everyone got to guess...

We wrote everyone's guesses on a chart

 it was....

 a Torah!!!!!

 He asked the other nations, do you want this gift of mine?
But they said no thank you for torah there's no time!

Aleph Bet review game

Last letter of the Aleph-Bet !!! Letter Tav!!!!

 Making letter Tav with our bodies!

Shalom Tav

Letter Tav says "Tanya" and "Temima"

Parshat "Behar"- we learned all about "Shemita"

 Making flowers for Shavuot!

Good morning circle with letter "Tav"

Learning all about the torah!

Writing with a feather!

Wow the torah has so much written on it!

Making our own torahs!

Drum circle!

I'm a mountain! Hashem chose "Har Sinai"

Mini "Sofers" writing Aleph bet letters with feathers and ink!

Making a special dress for the Torah


what a fantastic review week we had!
first, A.B.C bingo!

We had a super fun Abc scavenger hunt were we had to find objects that start with every letter and write it down!

We picked a letter and shaped it!

It was socool to review old shapes and learn new ones!

Shabbat Shalom!!!!

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