Thursday, April 16, 2015

Letter "Kuf" / Parshat "Shemini" - Kosher animals / Rabbi Akiva - "Sefirat Haomer" / Letter "W"

Hello everyone! It was so exciting to see everyone back at school after Pesach and hear all about their chag.
During Morning circle we opened our microphone, and each of us had the chance to tell their highlights of "Pesach Vacation"

Ethan shares with the rest of the class!

Moshe's turn!



We loved sharing and hearing about our friends experiences! Friends are the Best!

Letter "Kuf'

Letter "Kuf" was such a fun letter to learn. Especially because she brought a really funny and silly character to are class, "Kalmen Katan" and He is so "Katan, Katan" he always gets into trouble. We loved hearing silly stories about him, and enjoyed coming up with our own! The Adventures of Kalmen Katan book is in the making! 

We started of the week with an Aleph Bet review game where we had to make the shape of a letter and our friends had to guess which letter it was.

 Letter "Kuf" is here!!!

 Kalmen Katan and his silly adventures!!!

Letter "Kuf" says... "Candy", "Kalmen Katan" and "Kidush"

Letter "Kuf"says "Candy" We made real looking "Candy" and decorated a "Kuf" with it!

 letter "Kuf" full of "Candy"

 After Morah told us stories of "Kalmen Katan" We were ready to create our own! We got Custom made "Kalmen Katan" to bring his adventurers alive!

Parshat "Shemini"

This week's Parsha talks about the mitzvah of "Kosher" and how do we know which animals and fish are kosher!
We learned about the different signs and played lots of games with kosher and non Kosher animals.

Kosher centers!



Learning the signs.

Playing and analyzing the animals!

Research team! thank you for sending animal books!


Letter "W" came to visit this week. We turn a "W" into a Watermelon by painting it red and adding black seeds! they looked so yummy! no worries we got the real deal for snack! Fresh and juicy "Watermelon".

We painte a "Walrus" "W" with "Water colors"

We put together on a paper a shapes "Wagon"

Sefirat Haomer

After learning how thw jewish people prepared themselves to get the Torah for seven weeks, we came up with a very original way of counting the "Omer" everyday and see how we are getting closer ans closer each day to receive the "Torah"!!!

Morah colored the bottom of our feet with paint and we left our foot print on paper, which will be used to count the omer!
 We made a colorful "Har Sinai" and fluffy clouds for our bulletin board!

 Spa treatment

Sefirat HaOmer!

Learning about "Rabbi Akiva"

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