Friday, October 24, 2014

Parshat "Noach" / Letter "Aleph" / Letter "C" / Math- counting 1-15

Hello everyone! What a fun packed week we had! After a long Succot break we were really excited to see our friends and Morahs!
We started off the week with a very  special visitor! letter "Aleph"! 
Here is what happened...

Letter "Aleph" says "Etrog".

Morah showed us different sized "Alephs" 

Letter "Aleph says so many names in our class!

"Eitan", "Ayelet", "Elisha", "Ayala", "Ethan" and "Eva"

We carefully traced our "Aleph" 

"Shalom Aleph"....!!!!

We practiced our cutting skills when we cut the pictures of the children which their names start with Aleph

and glued them next to the Aleph to always remember her sound!

in honor of letter "Aleph"  we peeled "Etrogs".

our classroom smelled divine!! 

we turned Alephs into rainbows! 

tracing Alephs with play dough helped us understand this letter's shape better!

 Aleph Bet Yoga

We were able to form an "Aleph" with our bodies in different ways!

We also made "Human Aleph" by putting together three friends!

We had so much fun finding "Alephs" hidden under beans!

Found one!

Me too!

we glued "Etrog" peels on "Alephs" 

they smelled soooooo good!

The "Aleph" Yeladim were the Morahs for the Aleph song


Parshat "Noach" was a really fun and interesting Parsha. Especially because the "Parsha" became alive every day in our class! Here is how....

Learning about Noach , the animals and the Teiva was fascinating...

we loved singing the songs as well!

The next morning we were able to recreate the Parsha during morning centers!

An animal puppet said hello to us in the morning as we pretended we were going to the teiva!

"Go to the teiva moishy...

We decorated a big Teiva for our bulletin board!

We put garbage at the bottom, animal stickers in the middle and ourselves on top :)!

peeling stickers really gave our fingers a workout! 

we made our own "Teiva" placing Popsicle sticks in the shape of a Teiva!

Our Yeladim did amazing placing the sticks between the lines!

When Noach came out of the "Teiva" He saw a rainbow!

We drew a rainbow placing the colors in the right order! The song really helped!

"Re, and orange, yellow, green, shiny blue, purple too. All the colors that we know leave up in the rainbow"...

Morah introduced us to the "Primary colors" 

And when we mixed them... Ta-da we created new colors!!!!!

We also created pastel colors by mixing them with white!

Mini finger puppets said good morning to us!!!

We got to choose one and together we greeted each of our friends!

Jump, Jump Gavriel! We are so glad you here today!!!

We got our favorite animals faced painted and were all ready to go to the Teiva!

Ayelet was a purple Cat!

and Tanya a purple dog!

Jump , Jump Lion Toby....

and even got a Lion finger puppet!

Jump, Jump Lion Moishy!

Jump, Jump monkey Shia!!!

Jump, jump piggy Lielle...!

We painted water on a paper to resemble the flood- "Mabul"

We put animal stickers on our "Teiva"

We did reaserch about "Animals" at the library center by reading lots of animal books!

We also played with the animal puppets, making animal sounds and going to the "Teiva"

Hello Lion Moishy! Roooaaaarrrrrrrrrr!!!

Ethan made a Teiva out of magnet tiles! Animals lets go in!!!


After a fun review of letters "A" and "B" on Monday, Tuesday we were ready for a new letter! Letter "C"  ! 
Letter "C" says "Cat" and "Feels like "Cotton"

We also made "Cute" "C Crabs"...

Check out my  "C" crab!!!


This week we got to practice counting in the most amazing way....

By counting how many cars long we were!!!

wow Yaeli is so many cars tall!!!

We did so good counting the Cars together!

Here are the results!

Shabbat Party!

Shabbat Abba Michael and Shabbat Ima Eva

The Ima lighting the Shabbat candles!

The Abba makes a Bracha loud and clear!

and the challah!

Shabbat Shalom everyone!!!

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