Painting the Yam suf
making "Matza"
Our fantastic "Hagada" in the making
Building Pyramids
Acting out the Parsha
Learning about "Chametz foods" and "Kasher Lepesach foods"
Setting the "Seder Table"
The "Keara"
Work work work
10 Makkot
Matza Bakery
Making flour from scratch
making our own Matzot
Letter "Tzadik"
letter recognition game!
We did so well we are ready for a new letter!
Tzaddik is here!!!
"Tzadik" says "Tzitzit", "Tzedakah" and "Tzipor"
Shalom, Shalom "Tzadik"
" Tzadik says"... cutting activity!
We gave extra "Tzedakah" in honor of this letter!
For our good morning circle we had to choose to be either letter "Tzadik" or her sister "Final Tzadik"
Letters "U" and "V"
We made awesome "Under the see pictures"
And decorated stunning "Umbrellas"
For letter "V" we decorated "V" with soft "Velvet"
and made explosive "Volcanoes"